"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." ~Mother Teresa
Ugandan children dream of attending high school, but there are no government-sponsored schools at the secondary level. The high tuition rates of private high schools prohibit thousands of children from attaining higher education.
Segawa’s secondary school provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of accessible secondary education to children in the community.
Sponsor a student today to give them that opportunity for a future out of poverty.
How does sponsorship work?
By paying school fees for your student, you are providing:
Emergency health service
Textbooks and supplies
Teacher salaries
School building upkeep and
Can I pay by check instead?
Yes! Make it out to "Heart for People" in the amount of $510 and mail to:
Cindy Donough
46 Mills St.
Morristown, NJ
You can also send three checks each year in the amount of $170.
Donate below to start your monthly ($43) sponsorship!
High school in Uganda follows the British educational model and lasts for six years. We ask that whatever year you start sponsorship, you maintain the commitment until the child’s graduation if possible.
We understand and respect that financial situations can change over time. But please know that your child considers you to be a mother, a father, a sister, or a brother. You are not only their only chance at an education; you are their family.